Standards Australia is now accepting public comments on revised draft voluntary standards for hydraulic trolley jacks, portable vehicle ramps and vehicle support stands.
The ACCC administers mandatory consumer safety standards for these products which incorporate some sections of the voluntary standards. Once revised voluntary standards are published, the ACCC may conduct a review of the mandatory standards to determine if any updates are necessary.
The ACCC encourages all interested stakeholders to review the draft standards and provide comments to Standards Australia. A brief summary of the key revisions to each of the three standards is below.
Submissions close Friday 8 January 2016.
Summary of revisions to draft voluntary standards
Hydraulic trolley jacks (DR: AS/NZS 2615: 2015)
Markings and warning label:
- The instructions for use (required to be included with the products) in Section 7 have been revised.
- The warning label in Section 8 has been revised to include the use of pictograms.
Overload test:
- The overload test has been revised so that the force applied to the head cap is equal to 150% (it is currently set at 200%) of the nominated capacity of the hydraulic trolley jack (this revision brings the standard in line with comparable international standards).
Eccentric load and stability tests:
- The eccentric load and stability test has been revised to include testing for stability during the eccentric load test and revised pass/fail criteria for stability. The meaning of ‘stability’ of a hydraulic trolley jack has been defined.
- The stability test ‘fail’ criteria of ‘one wheel lifting off the ground’ during eccentric load testing has been removed.
Portable vehicle ramps (DR: AS/NZS 2640:2015)
Markings and warning label:
- The instructions for use, required to be included with each product, in Section 7 have been amended.
- The wording and design of the warning label in Section 8 has been amended to expand the wording of the warning, and include a prominent pictorial ‘danger’ symbol.
New overtravel test:
- A new test for roll-off and overtravel has been included in Appendix A of the Standard. The new test sets out a method for testing the ability of a vehicle ramp to resist overtravel and inadvertent roll-off of a vehicle from the platform.
- The intent of this requirement is to prevent tipping of the ramp forward as the vehicle tyre contacts the barrier stop.
Vehicle support stands (DR: AS/NZS 2538:2015)
Markings and warning label:
- The instructions for use, required to be included with each product, in Section 7 have been amended.
- The wording and design of the warning label in Section 8 has been amended to expand the wording of the warning, and include a prominent pictorial ‘danger’ symbol.
Contact details
To review the draft standards and submit comments visit the Standards Australia website.