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Products the mandatory standard applies to
Vehicle support stands are used to support the axle or chassis of a vehicle. This allows access to the underside of the vehicle for maintenance. Vehicle support stands may also be used to support vehicles when they are in storage. Vehicle support stands have fixed or adjustable height.
The mandatory standard applies to vehicle support stands with a nominated capacity up to 1500 kg per stand.
Complying with the mandatory standard
This information is an overview of how to comply with the mandatory standard. Suppliers must not rely on this information as a complete guide to compliance.
View the full detail of the standard.
Design and construction
Vehicle supports stands must meet the design and construction requirements of the mandatory standard.
Vehicle support stands must be:
- made from appropriate materials and have protective coatings
- stable when used.
The minimum nominated capacity of the vehicle support stand must not be less than 750 kg.
Vehicle support stands must meet the performance requirements of the mandatory standard.
Vehicle support stands must:
- not fail or become unserviceable when tested
- comply with the requirement for overload capacity specified by the mandatory standard.
The mandatory standard specifies testing to make sure vehicle support stands comply with the requirements. Suppliers should organise product testing through specialist testing laboratories.
Safety markings
A vehicle support stand must be supplied with:
- instructions for safe use, markings and assembly instructions as required by the mandatory standard
- a permanent warning notice on it
- the maximum load capacity in kilograms marked on it.
The warning notice must have the following words:

This image is an example of the safety warning statement. The safety warning statement must comply with the requirements of the mandatory standard.
Mandatory standard details
The Consumer Goods (Vehicle Support Stands) Safety Standard 2017 sets out the mandatory requirements for the supply of vehicle support stands.
The accompanying Explanatory Statement has further information.
The mandatory standard is based on certain sections of the voluntary Australian standard, AS 2538:2016 Vehicle support stands.
You can buy AS 2538:2016 Vehicle support stands from Standards Australia, Intertek Inform or Accuris.
We can make a copy of this standard available for viewing at an ACCC office, subject to licensing conditions.
When a product does not comply
Fines and penalties may apply for failure to comply with a mandatory safety or information standard.
Suppliers may need to recall a product when it doesn't meet the mandatory standard or is potentially unsafe.