This checklist is not listed in a particular order and not all items apply to every recall.
You may complete many items at the same time and some items are ongoing.
You can modify this checklist to suit your business processes.
Tell the ACCC of the recall
Tell the ACCC about your recall within 2 days of taking a recall action.
Tell overseas persons about the recall and send a copy of this notice to the ACCC within 10 days - if you have supplied the recalled product to persons overseas.
Identify how you will tell consumers about the recall.
Gather contact details for consumers, those in the supply chain, manufacturers, importers and overseas recipients you have supplied.
Create your recall advertisements and messages.Consider social media, in-store, online advertising, emails and text messages. Plan when and how often you will advertise and how long you’ll promote them for.
Communicate early and often with consumers and those in the supply chain.
Provide information about the recall to your supply chain. Include how to communicate the risk, advertising details, and other steps to improve the recall’s effectiveness.
Set up multiple ways for consumers and those in the supply chain to contact your business about the recall.
Set up a dispute resolution process to address consumer complaints about the recall – keep records.
During the recall: Track, review, report and adjust
Keep track of how many products you and others in the supply chain have provided a remedy for – submit a recall progress report one month after your recall is published and then at agreed times.
Monitor and track incidents and complaints.
Reassess the risk.
Regularly review and update your strategy to know if your communication is effective.
Keep recall communication current and consistent. Update messages when there is a change to the defect or hazard or how to receive a remedy. Tell the ACCC so we can update the Product Safety Australia website.
Tell the ACCC of any issues or changes with the recall.
Continue to provide remedies to consumers until all products are accounted for.
Tell us when all products have been accounted for.
When not all products can be retrieved or accounted for - tell us when and why you think your recall has removed the risk from consumers and you want to finalise your recall. We will consider the next steps.
Update your recall plan to include any lessons learned from the recall.