NETGEAR Inc—NETGEAR XAV2501 Powerline AV+ 200 Adaptor

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Powerline AV+ ethernet adaptor with pass-through power socket for additional devices
Identifying features
Model No. XAV2501. The adaptor is coloured white and is supplied as part of kit XAVB2504, which also contains a black adaptor.

Other identifying numbers

Model No. XAV2501. The adaptor is coloured white and is supplied as part of kit XAVB2504, which also contains a black adaptor.

Reasons the product is recalled

Incorrectly attached internal wiring in the AC pass-through circuit during production. Active and Earth wires have been accidentally inverted.

The hazards to consumers

240V AC will be present on the Earth terminal of the pass-through socket outlet and the Active terminal of the pass-through socket will be grounded to Earth. This will present danger of an electrical shock under the following conditions:

(i) the device plugged into the pass-through socket has a 3-prong AC cable;

(ii) the AC cable is attached directly to the plugged-in product, not through an external AC-DC power adaptor; and

(iii) the plugged-in product has an earthed exposed metal surface.

Under the above circumstances, exposed metal surfaces of the plugged-in product will be at a Voltage of 240V AC. Any person touching the plugged-in product would therefore experience an electric shock.

What consumers should do

Consumers should discontinue using the product immediately in accordance with the following instructions:

1. Switch off the power point for the white adaptor so there is no electrical current running to the adaptor;

2. Remove the white adaptor from the power point; and

3. Unplug any device plugged into the white adaptor.

Consumers should then follow the directions provided in the new replacement package sent by Optus and use the reply paid satchel provided to send the faulty product back to Optus.

Consumers who have ordered a NETGEAR Powerline kit from Optus on or before 22 November 2011 and have not yet received a replacement kit may contact Optus on 133 937 or email NETGEAR at


Traders who sold this product

Affected products were sold through Optus. NETGEAR is investigating whether any products sold through other retailers may be affected.

Where the product was sold


Dates available for sale


Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.